“More geysers than in all the rest of of world together—Boiling springs—Mud volcanoes—Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, remarkable for gorgeous coloring—Waterfalls—Vast wilderness inhabited by deer, bison moose, antelope, bear, mountain sheep, etc.  National Park Service report, 1920

Yellowstone National Park.

Located in northwestern Wyoming with a piece of Montana and Idaho.

Established in 1872.

The east entrance road to the park ascends to the top of Sylvan Pass. In the valley below is the “corkscrew tunnel” on the original road.

The Canyon Hotel was a landmark on the Grand Loop Road. It opened in 1911 and closed in 1959.

    A three-mile hiking trail leads from Dunraven Pass to the top of Mount Washburn along the old loop road. Pieces of asphalt still remain. This was the high point on Yellowstone’s 140-mile-long Grand Loop Road.

    “Road conditions in many Western States were not as good as last year. The eastern entrance, which a few years ago enjoyed only a negligible patronage, this year forged ahead of the other entrances in the number of private motorists.” National Park Service report, 1920  

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Bison, “buffalo”